The master mason slammed his gavel down 3 times as the noise sent vibrations throughout the grand hall. “Gloria, Gloria, Gloria.” He repeated 3 times to the assembly of masons in the opulent grand lodge near Washington, D.C. It was a code word that was repeated throughout every masonic lodge in the USA and in France on Dec. 13th, 1976. The masons followed signs and signals given out during the assemblies and although they had no idea what many of the signs meant, they knew they were action words to be acted on if the name signal became present in their lives. They also whispered it among themselves and spread it throughout companies, churches, and during events throughout the holiday season of 1976. For a period of 90 days this was one of the action names that reverberated amongst the masonic consciousness.

The sound of her name still rang in the hall like a triumphant bell as the assembly of brothers listened to the master’s call. Little did they know Gloria was not just an action word, it was a real, 6-year-old child who would be responsible for changing the very destiny of human consciousness and the future of the world.


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